Control Your Credit rating
Which is the principal goal of your chart of credit rating? Is this suitability to make payments or the capacity to buy things which you could not cash obtain with the money in your purse? No matter what the reason to carry your mastercard or aimed with you, it inevitably wire you with the debt with long with which you must face.
The risk to accumulate the debt becomes also great twice on holiday and it is normal. Each one of us is sure to be imprisoned by the atmosphere of holidays and spent more than was at the projected beginning. When the moment of celebrity comes and we become over-excited, we like to feel that we can have right all and our charts of credit rating function for us in our plans of expenditure of holidays.
Why do we spend too much? In fact, the presence of the chart of credit rating in our only small pocket, encourage us to draw it each time we see a desired thing. And now, imagine that you even obtain rewarded for your payment with the chart of credit rating! Isn't it a perfect motivation to more and more frequently employ it, buying things that really you not the need for the whole?
And the present is the holiday time and the opportunity is two times. You looked you want to give you the relative friend's very great quantity lovable gift and a more serious gift. Why and isn't if you obtain other the frequent flyer or behind the cash foe each US dollar expenditure?
But, such method adopts you to enter the expense screw and works as the holiday is the conclusion, it causes your pain to look at your credit card statement. All must be paid is, specially works as its related credit card duty and credit card account sole is in yours hand, you extremely frequently start to consider the credit card debt repays the plan.
We completely as if already knew basic step obtains your debt and improves your overall credit rating under the control. Classical partial will cut open your credit card and starts to pay the bill to be punctual and the more ratios minimum. You apply for a bad credit card and start to expend the plan to track your money flow and you usually to make it and the pen and the paper.
Feather/spring and paper! And we live in 21. Century...
Today a new way of handling your finances and you are offered to you to need not to have fear that you waste the badly following mark. it clay/tone like an advertisement announcement? Possibly she does, but the TTFC software really helps you to seek out its credit card expenditure and in such a way prevents you to not necessary acquiring, which regret you bitterlich later.
This financial management program is loadable, or already attached into your computer and into it accomplishes the following activities:
- it helps you to create the budget and the plans of debt-reduction;
- it helps to detect your money flow visually and the progress of the refunding of debt by means of graphs and bar charts;
- it helps you by creating categories of expenditure and to insert your transactions in
the lines in order to know what you are spent money in the majority;
- it downloads all your transactions of chart of credit rating of your company of chart of credit rating and thus you are well-informed always.
Do you know the greatest advantage of the software? It is the capacity to see the financial image of totality and thus know so that you must work.
You recall, if you have some problems of chart of credit rating, they should as soon as possible be eliminated in order to preserve your good points of credit rating and to be entitled to another chart of credit rating later. For this purpose, the software of TTFC is the best assistance.
วันพุธที่ 24 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550
Control Your Credit rating
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